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eBook Creation



The eBook, also known as a digital book, is an electronic version of the printed book. EBooks can be read on personal computers or on various hand-held devices called e-Readers which are specifically designed for reading purposes. Some cell phones can also be used to read eBooks.


Although not yet as popular as the printed book, the market for eBooks continues to grow and many books are now being distributed solely in their digital forms.



eBook Creation

Digital printing has the potential to reach millions of readers. DLite Press can format your manuscript for e-readers such as Amazon Kindle, Sony readers, Barnes & Noble Nook readers and many other readers using Adobe PDF or ePub format.


Rates: $1.99 per page


eBook Package $299

Our eBook package will get your book online with access to a worldwide audience.

Package includes: Pricing suggestions; Price embedded barcode; ISBN assignment; Back cover blurb suggestions; your choice of Kindle/ePub or PDF text formatting;, page layout; editorial evaluation; two revisions; files upload to Amazon Kindle; and inclusion in Publishers bookstore.

Minimum Submission Requirements:


Optional files that can be included: