Culture and Translations
by Xiaohui Wang
What is culture? Many scholars have tried to reply it, however, no answer can satisfy all the people. It seems easy, yet it is also the most difficult one to answer..
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Rain's Orphanage
by Rorry Nithttrain East
Ambushed by the Rain today, I trade in private sorrows, for one less mile to go...such abandoned things when wrangling-splendor, only abandoned people know..... |
by Robert D. Grappel
The poems in this book came to me as ‘gifts’, and I am passing them on to you as my gift. My first published volume of poetry nine years ago was called “GIFTS”, so the title of this book has a double meaning..... |
Like A Dollhouse on Mars
by Rorry Nithttrain East
An unvarnished story...of not just mere diversity, but of humanity; and of finding an ironic happiness in the midst of impossible odds.... |
This Is MY Story
by Ricardo V. Bain I, D. Min
This volume connects the dots in the extraordinary lives of these fine, brave, and daring young people. Young adult small group ministry in some way or another has intersected all of their lives, and they were willing to share their hearts with you! Find inside, Drama. Suspense. Thrill. Intimacy. Jesus! |
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Commissioner Ryuubi
by GK Peart
Kanlu Krimson, the second prince of the Immerallian Empire, speaks with his personal acquaintance and Ryuubi's right hand man, Captain Kou Mine to uncover the truth of who killed Commissioner Ryuubi, a brilliant detective on the island of Ilkupir…. |
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Life After High School: Traits that Help & Traits that Hurt
What's your personality trait? Are you a Hemmer, a Blamer, a Pusher, a Pathfinder or a Detailer? Does it really matter? How does your personality trait influence your career choice? What can you do to change? Do you need to change?
This no-nonsense text explains positive and negative traits that can help or hinder teens in their post high school life. The guide gives readers strategies, helping them to identify the path to success and to avoid the route that often leads to failure.
Print Price: $4.99
ISBN-13: 978-1-937143-14-5
ISBN-13: eBook 978-1-937143-15-2 |