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Know Your Book



The publishing industry recognizes various parts of all books. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the different terms.


Front matter appears before the main text and serves to introduce your book to your readers. It should include a few pages that include the book's title, the author's name, the copyright information, and perhaps a preface or a foreword.


Main content is the core of your work and can be fiction or non-fiction. Your work should be organized to follow a logical sequence or progression of ideas. Your work can be divided into chapters or parts with chapter titles, chapter numbers or part titles, e.g. part one, part two,etc. Parts will group ideas or content into clearly organized pattern.


Epilogue page is a brief concluding section and can directly address the reader or continue the story years later by giving an update on the characters. Chapter numbers are not used in this section. In non-fiction work the section can be used as an overview of your work or to give advice or encouragement to readers.


About the Author(s) provides a short biography which can include your expertise as a writer and a summary of your personal life including where you live and your occupation. Photos of yourself can be included in this section.


Back matter can include a number of additional pages providing vital information about your book.


Back Cover