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Marketing Service


Having a marketing strategy can literally be the life or death of your book. An effective marketing plan will distinguish your book from the competition, allowing it to stand out and be unique. Our packs provide the tools to reach your audience effectively.


Having a marketing strategy can literally be the life or death of your book. An effective marketing plan will distinguish your book from the competition, allowing it to stand out and be unique. Our packs provide the tools to reach your audience effectively.


Basic marketing service: $299


Advance Marketing service: $499



Physical Book Sales

Online Book Distribution

There is a $19.99/year digital storage/distribution fee. Billing will be pro-rated. Fee is waived if author elects not to utilize DLite distribution

There is an $199/year web upkeep and hosting fee. Billing will be pro-rated


Web upkeep and hosting fee is waived if author register their own domain name and sets up their own hosting plan


Create Marketing material - Brochures, Flyers, Bookmarks or Postcards

Dlite Press will design and create high-end marketing material to meet the needs of your business or publishing plans.
