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2010 DLite Writing Competition
Guidelines & Rules
Five Categories! Easy to Enter! Cash Prizes!
Who Can Enter?
The contest is open to all poets and writers.
Entries must be postmarked no later than September 7, 2010. If email address is submitted we will confirm your entry via email.
Entry Fees
- Entry fee of $15 must accompany each entry under 5,000 words
- Entry fee of $25 must accompany each entry 5,000 – 80,000 words.
- Entry fee of $5 must accompany each poem entered.
- You can send check, money order, or submit via PayPal
- Mailing address:DLite Press Contest, PO Box 1644, New York NY 10150.
- Postmark deadline for 2010 competition is September 7, 2010.
Fiction: Self-published or Unpublished, Articles, Books, Novels, Short Stories, Poetry, Children's Literature, Picture Books. (Complete list on entry form below)
Awards & Prizes
- First Place in each Category - $100 and a First Place certificate
- Second Place in each Category - $75 and a Second Place certificate
- Third Place in each Category - $50 and a Third Place certificate
- Honorable Mention certificates will be awarded in each category as warranted.
Winner Notification
- Winners' certificates/awards and 'Honorable Mention' certificates will be mailed 12/10/2010.
- All winners and 'Honorable Mention' will be posted on our website.
- A synopsis of all winning entries will be posted at
- The author has the option of having his/her work posted on our website in eBook format and the work can be made available for free download or sale.
Judging Criteria
- Presentation (format, follows rules, neatness, spelling, punctuation, grammar, print quality).
- Suitability (correct category, correct age group and appropriate length if children's division).
- Tightness, clarity, structure, strength of lead/beginning, transitions, impact, satisfactory close.
- A book chapter needs to stand alone and exhibit elements of good writing included.
- Fiction: Characterization, conflict, dialogue, plotting, beginning, ending, figures of speech.
- Children's Literature: Age-appropriateness.
- Poetry: Fresh concept, cadence or rhythmic beat; and for traditional verse, adherence to form.
Five Categories! Easy to Enter! Cash Prizes!
2010 DLite Writers-Writing Competition
General Guidelines & Rules
- Author's name must NOT appear on the actual entry.
- Completed manuscript file will be accepted in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or Rich Text (RTF) formats.
- Manuscripts must be double-spaced.
- Submit text only in a readable font, such as Times New Roman or Arial.
- Each entry must be accompanied by a completed entry form.
- Only one title per category per entry form. You may however, enter as many manuscripts/titles in as many categories as you wish. Entry fee and a separate Official Entry Form must accompany each entry; photocopies of the entry form are acceptable.
- Children's literature entries must adhere to typical type, age, and length guidelines in order to be judged favorably. See website for details.
- Entries not conforming to contest rules will be disqualified; entry fees will not be returned. Entries beyond 5,000 words in the under 5, 000 words category will judged only on the first 5, 000 words.
- Entries beyond the 80,000-word limit will be judged only on the first 80,000 words submitted.
- Entry Fee
- Entry fee of $15 must accompany each entry under 5,000 words
- Entry fee of $25 must accompany each entry 5,000 – 80, 000 words.
- Entry fee of $5 must accompany each poem entered.
- Entries may be mailed or emailed
- Email your entry to:
- You can submit your entry fee via PayPal (PayPal accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Card). Be sure to note your entry category with your payment.
- Make entry fee check or money order payable to DLite Press. One check may be written to cover multiple entries if all are mailed in same package.
- Enclose separate entry forms for each entry. (US $ only).
- Mail your entry or entries via postal mail along with entry form(s).
Combined email & mail
- If you choose this option we will e-mail your confirmation when we have received and matched up your entry fees and entries.
- Mailing address
- DLite Press Contest, PO Box 1644. New York NY 10150.
- Postmark deadline for 2010 competition is September 7, 2010.
Other Information
- All submissions become the physical property of DLite Press and WILL NOT be returned, therefore legible photocopies or computer printouts are suggested for submission. Self-published works will be donated to charities.
- Acknowledgment of receipt of mailed manuscripts will be made only if you enclose a stamped self-addressed postcard.
- For a list of winners, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 (business size 4"x9½") envelope marked "winners" on the outside. (One envelope only; not one per category.)
- Winners' certificates/awards and 'Honorable Mention' certificates will be mailed 12/10/2021 and will be posted at
- Authors retain all rights to their works.
- Non-winning entries will not be published in an anthology or other publication.
- Author of winning entries will be offered an eBook contract from DLite Press. Author has the option of accepting or declining the contract.
- Please do not send original photographs, artwork or irreplaceable items of any kind with your submission. DLite Press is not responsible for the return of such materials.
Category (A) Self-Published Works
Category (B) Unpublished Works
Children's Literature |
Category (D) Self-Published Works
Category (E) Unpublished Works
Poetry |
Category (C)