I first started writing poetry while in college, in addition to obtaining graduate degrees in Physics and Computer Science. Attending school in the late 60’s, I naturally became a self-taught folk singer – a hobby I still pursue avidly. (My main instruments are autoharp and 12-string guitar.) My “day job” involves designing radars and communications systems for air traffic control – combining my scientific bent with my life-long fascination for aviation.
Finally, I’d like to thank all those who provided the inspiration for these poems. They appeared almost fully formed in my consciousness – I had only to write them down before they could vanish back into the void where beauty is born. I have done some editing and smoothing of the rough edges – wrapping these gifts in shiny paper and tying them with a silken bow. I hope you enjoy them.
Book by Robert D. Grappel
by Robert D. Grapple
The poems in this book came to me as ‘gifts’, and I am passing them on to you as my gift.
My first published volume of poetry nine years ago was called “GIFTS”, so the title of this book has a double meaning. As I said then, I find it almost impossible to just sit down and write a poem or a song – and I greatly admire those who have this talent. My poems seem to grow organically and just appear in my mind when they are ready and I am receptive.
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