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Premium Service: 100 books Starting at $1799*

Our Premium Package service is for the serous authors and those interested in marketing to a worldwide audience. Your book will be fully edited and elegantly formatted for print and eReaders. We will correct grammatical and typographical errors, misspellings, incorrect punctuations, sentence fragments and other editorial issues. Price is based on 100 print copies per order.* As with any of our plans the author keeps all rights based on our nonexclusive contract agreement.

Book Size: Choose from 5"x8", 5.5"x8.5", 6"x9" or 8.25"x11" trim size
Book Binding: A full-color paperback cover (black & white if preferred by author)

  Your title, sub-title, author name, inclusion of title and author's name on spine (if book thickness permits)
  An image for the front cover that you submit (optional) or we create
  An author photo that you submit (optional)
dot Page Layout and Text Formatting for print book and eBook
    Kindle, Nook, ePub or PDF Formatting for eReaders
dot An ISBN barcode-we will assign or you can submit
dot 5-page editing analysis (Note: editing and proofreading is not included with this offer)
dot Pricing Suggestions
dot Free Revisions: Two rounds of revisions incorporating any changes that you submit
dot Free Premium Cover Design
dot Back Cover Blurb Suggestions
dot Free Basic Marketing Supplies
  Author Marketing Kit, including:
    Templates for Business Cards, Postcards, and Bookmarks (all files delivered electronically in PDF format)
    Press Release or Sell Sheet templates. Files delivered electronically in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (RTF)
  When added fees may apply...
  $ Additional fee for color interior text or color pictures.... Cost depends on the total number of print pages.
  $699.99 additional fee for hard cover binding without a dust jacket
  $69.99 per page fee if more than two revisions

*Final price will depend on the total number of pages/words, trim size and number of books ordered. Pricing can be prorated

bulletMinimum Submission Requirements:
* Your document in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or Rich Text Format (RTF)
* Minimum 48 pages total (smaller word count can include blank pages)

bulletOptional files that can be included:
* JPEG or TIF picture/image files
* Suggested book price

Note: There will be a kill fee charge of $299 with added prorated expenses, for any cancellations after work has begun.

Added Instructions

PP4PetsCalling all pet parents, pet lovers and pet pals… Personalized Products 4 Pets is here for you...


Special Offers
Commissioner Ryuubi

Commissioner Ryuubi

by GK Peart


Kanlu Krimson, the second prince of the Immerallian Empire, speaks with his personal acquaintance and Ryuubi's right hand man, Captain Kou Mine to uncover the truth of who killed Commissioner Ryuubi, a brilliant detective on the island of Ilkupir….


Select: Print cost includes shipping

Only 99 cents! eBook Offer

regular price, $2.99

Life After High SchoolLife After High School: Traits that Help & Traits that Hurt

What's your personality trait? Are you a Hemmer, a Blamer, a Pusher, a Pathfinder or a Detailer? Does it really matter? How does your personality trait influence your career choice? What can you do to change? Do you need to change?


This no-nonsense text explains positive and negative traits that can help or hinder teens in their post high school life. The guide gives readers strategies, helping them to identify the path to success and to avoid the route that often leads to failure.

Print Price: $4.99   

ISBN-13: 978-1-937143-14-5

ISBN-13: eBook 978-1-937143-15-2

Title of Book