1] What are my publishing options?
* Option 1:If you purchase our basic or basic-plus book packages, we will format and layout your work and then make print copies. Our price is based on 10 print copies of your book for the basic package and 100 copies for the plus package but you decide how many copies you need. Your books will be mailed and you can then decide where to sell your books or how to sell then. You will owe us nothing more. When you sell your books, you will collect 100% royalties.
* Option 2: With our premium package, you can also elect to get 100 copies of your books
printed and delivered directly to you. As with the above option, when you
sell your books, you will collect 100% royalties. However, this plan includes full editing and proofreading of your work, along with the basic marketing plan.
* Option 3:You can elect a pay-as-you-go plan. You could take the eBook only option or pay for individual services. If you later decide to sell your
books online, or at book fairs we can set that up for you. There is a
registration and yearly fee.
* Option 4:This option is not recommended for the novice author/writer.
You can decide to do your own editing, formatting and page layout and send
us a PDF file of your work. (No contract is needed with this option, if you do not want your book sold from our website.) The
PDF file must be an exact trim size of your book. Also, your file must
include a book cover image, copyright page and title page. A back cover
blurb is optional. We will print it for you and mail copies of your book to
your address. Your final cost will depend on the number of copies ordered.
Either you can purchase an ISBN on your own or we can supply your book's
ISBN for an additional charge. When you sell your books, you will collect
100% royalties.
2] Why do I have to pay to have my book published?
DLite Press is a self-publisher. Traditionally, publishers do all the marketing for their authors' books. In return the author gets royalty payments of 10%-12%. DLite Press allows you to control each aspect of the publishing process, which means that you are taking charge of the distribution, selling and marketing of your book. You will also collect 100% on royalties.
3] Should I edit and proofread my work before submission?
DLite Press offers editing and proofreading service. However, you do not have to use our services. We will publish your book if you are sure you have corrected all mistakes. If you purchase our premium package we will give you a free evaluation of your edited work.
4] What is an eBook?
EBooks are electronic versions of a physically printed book. EBooks are become more popular, especially now that there are multiple eBook readers available. It is often more cost effective to publish an eBook versus a physically printed book. Publishing an eBook is a great way to get your book online and test market its appeal. DLite offers two great eBook publishing options.
5] Can I publish both an eBook and a physical print copy?
Yes. You can choose to get both printed copies and an eBook. Remember DLite Press holds no rights or copyright on your work and makes no claims or restrictions on the ownership of your work. Rights and copyright remain with you as the author and creator. You continue to own the rights in your name or, if you have such arrangements, on behalf of others. Your purchase and use of any DLite Press' services does not undermine your rights or copyright. You can therefore publish one or both types of books with DLite Press or even go elsewhere for additional services.
6] How do I determine my final cost?
Our price is based on printing a fixed number of print copies of your book. Your final cost will depend on the services you purchase and the number of printed copies that you order. However, the trim size and the number of pages can also have an effect on your cost. DLite has no hidden fees and the cost of all services will be given, before any work begins.
7] Will I get my book posted on Amazon and other online websites?
You can choose to print copies of your book for sale to friends and family. You can also choose to expose your print and/or electronic book to a wider audience online. The choice is yours. With many of our services your book will automatically be available on our website. DLite Press can also post your book to major online sites such as Amazon Kindle, Lightning Source, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and many more.
Please note that some onlinewebsites will only list books if they have a unique ISBN.
8] What is a back cover blurb?
The back blurb is the information on the back cover of the book. This can be a synopsis of the book content, interesting facts about the book content, reviews or just something funny or witty to catch the reader's attention. Often even before opening a book, a potential reader will look at the back blurb. It is therefore important that you can engage the reader's attention with an eye-catching back blurb.
9] Will DLite Press insert a copyright and title page for my book?
If you purchase any of our packages, DLite Press will create a complete book including the copyright and title page.
10] What is an ISBN?
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is an international standard of 13-digit numbers that uniquely identifies published books and book-like products. Print and eBook will have separate ISBNs.
Your ISBN is cannot be shared, sold or transferred to someone else. It cannot be reused which means that once a title is published with an ISBN on it, the ISBN can never be used again. Even if a title goes out of print, the ISBN cannot be reused since the title continues to be cataloged by libraries and traded by used booksellers.
11] Will I need to get an ISBN?
The ISBN is important to have if you intend to sell your book in bookstores, gift shops or on major online sites. You can purchase an ISBN assignment from DLite Press or go directly to Bowkers, the only company authorized to sell original ISBNs. DLite Press will assign an ISBN to your book if you purchase one of our packages.
12] How do I layout my book?
Book or page layout is best done using desktop publishing software. However, a reasonably good layout can be achieved using any word processing program. Remember most documents are typed on an 81/2 inches by 11 inches paper and the printed book is much smaller. You will therefore need to create a page layout that is the size of a real book then convert your file to PDF format before it can be made into a book. DLite offers a free page layout guide. Email us for your free guide to page layout.
13] What font type and size can I use in my document?
The print size of most books is between 11 and 12 points. Fonts come in two basic styles: serif and sans-serif. Serif fonts typically have the decorative curly flourishes, while the sans-serif fonts do not. The majority of print books are set in a serif font for easy read. Some basic serif fonts are Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Century Schoolbook, Garamond and Times New Roman. Sans-serif fonts are best for online documents and eBooks. Examples of sans-serif fonts are Arial, Calibri, Century Gothic, Futura, Tahoma and Verdana.
14] Can I do my own formatting and create my PDF file?
Yes. Email us and we will send you our free Formatting and Layout guidelines.
15] How do I create a table of contents?
Many word processing programs have this option. Email us and we will send you our free Formatting and Layout guidelines.
Please note that some eBook sites have trouble converting from automatic table-of-content generators such as those in Microsoft Word.
16] Where do I put the page numbering?
Page numbering should be placed in a header or footer. If placed on the page the numbering will not print properly. Page numbering must be removed from eBooks.
17] How do I make sure that my cover image covers the entire page?
If your image is not wide or long enough, it will not cover the entire book cover when printed. To avoid this, make sure that your image 'bleeds' or extends beyond the width and length of the page by at least 0.125 inches. For example, the final page size for a six by nine book with bleed would be 6.125 inches x 9.125 inches
18] How can I add images to my document?
Images can be added to your word document using the 'insert' then 'picture' tabs. Any image must be of high resolution and must be embedded 'in line with text,' and compressed in the document versus linked to the page, before the document is converted to a PDF file. We suggest 300 dpi (dots per inch) as an optimum resolution.
19] How many image insertions am I allowed in each book?
You can put an unlimited number of images in your work.
20] How can I make sure my images will print exactly as I want them to?
After inserting your images to your document you can rearrange, crop, rotate and modify the image as needed. When you like what you see you must convert your document to PDF format before printing. The PDF will print exactly as your printed book.
21] What type of images can I put in my book?
You can place any format image file in your book. The images must be of a high resolution. We recommend 300 dpi (dots per inch) to achieve optimum print quality. Your image must be acquired or scanned at a high resolution. When you resize and make a low resolution image larger to meet the specifications of 300 dpi, you are really only stretching the image. Resizing will not create new pixels (the information of your image) it will only make each pixel larger therefore producing a grainy image. Also, please note that if you submit color images for your BW book's interior, they will be printed in black and white, which will result in a loss of quality.
22] How long does it take for proofs?
Generally proofs will take 2-3 weeks, depending on the word count of the book and if no editing services were requested. The proofs are a ready-to-print copy of your book, including all text and picture formatting.
23] If I need to revise my proofs, is there a charge?
We allow two rounds of free revisions incorporating any changes that you submit. After publication of your print book, we can make up to five free corrections to your word or PDF document for future printing.
24] How many copies of the book will I receive?
We can print unlimited copies of your book. Your final cost depends on the book trim size, the page total and on the total number of copies printed. The price quote is based on printing a fixed number of copies of your book.
25] Can I buy your service and send my manuscript at a later date?
Yes. If you would like to purchase our service to take advantage of a discount, we will require a minimum deposit of $150. If you change your mind, you can get a full refund of your deposit up to three (3) months from the date of purchase. After three months, we do charge a 10% processing fee.
26] Do you have a publishing contract that I can review?
Our contract is available for viewing, click here for publishing contract