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Elaine Bird

Elaine Bird’s parents moved to Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia as it was then) in 1957 and she has lived here ever since. She is married with two adult sons.

After her marriage, she was employed by a firm of Attorneys and became very interested in the law, to such an extent that she began a law degree, but was forced to give up her studies, about half way through.

Because her father was a mining engineer and built his own gold mining empire, she has been involved in that industry most of her life. She has only recently retired from the family mining business.


Books by Elaine Bird

DigbyDigby's Diary

A delightful adventure set in the African bushveld of Zimbabwe. A gang of clever animals and two very brave young boys make a daring rescue. The story takes the reader through many exciting experiences before ending with quite a twist in the tail, and is told by Digby himself, a standard French Poodle, using his very own style of writing. For children between the ages of ten and thirteen......Read More

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A crime thriller where greed and murder go hand in hand…

Sabrina Shire, a Private Investigator, and her husband Hilton, are exploring the circumstances surrounding a cold murder case when she is involved in an inexplicable car accident resulting in her hospitalization… or was it really an accident?

Set in an African environment, anything can happen, and does. Read More

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