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Savu Ioan ConstantinSavu Ioan Constantin



Savu Ioan Constantin was born in 1973 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. He holds a bachelor's degree in Juridical Sciences and graduated with post-universitary psychopedagogy courses. Savu Ioan Constantin has worked mainly as a teacher, civil servant and legal advisor. Currently he is a middle and high school teacher, teaching socio-human sciences.


He loves reading, especially children's books, historic and adventure stores and police novels. His first project was a police book, written in high school. Although it was never published his classmates enjoyed his effort. Other projects in later years included  "Locul de pornire" (The Starting Place), a novel for teens and young people, and "Romira II B", a Science-Fiction project, which was never published.


"Sioras4 - Recunoasterea" (Sioras4 - The Recognition) was published in Romanian as a printed edition in December 2009. This book was also translated into English, in electronic format. "Mesaj de pe sonda spaţială" (Message from the Probe), was published in Romanian as a printed edition in December 2012.  Works published on lease contracts include "Joan and Her Friends", in English, a series of short educational stories for kids, and "Comunicarea interpersonala" (Interpersonal Communication).


His books can be found on Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes&Noble, Scribd, Apple iBooks, Flipkart, Baker&Taylor, Oyster, OverDrive, Aldiko and Axis360.


Amazon links


Smashword Link


His books are also in the National Library of Romania, "Octavian Goga" Cluj County Library.

National Library of Romania


Other links from "Octavian Goga" Cluj County Library

Library Link 1

Library Link 2

Library Link 3

Library Link 4

Book by Savu Ioan Constantin

The Little Book of Stories


Book of Stories



The Little Book of Stories has seven short educational stories for and about children


Other formats: Adobe eBook, ePub.  Amazon Kindle Book

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