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RoseMarieRoseMarie Panio

RoseMarie's interest in cooking and wine started in her parents' home. They taught her the importance of family dining. They made their own wine and prepared traditional dishes. She and her husband, Rocco, have continued this ritual of dining together with their children and grandchildren for Sunday dinner.


RoseMarie started putting a collection of recipes together so her mother's recipes, as well as those she collected as her cooking evolved over the many years and visits back to the old country would not be lost or forgotten.


Book by RoseMarie Panio

Celebrate ItalyCelebrate Italy... And its Culture of Food and Wines

Celebrate Italy with this collection of traditional Italian wines and cuisine. From Torino to Sicilia, these recipes incorporate the wines, cultures and cuisine of Italy.


RoseMarie’s recipes are a result of a lifetime of travel throughout Italy…including 10 years residency in Tuscany, Umbria and Piedmont. Her approach to the recipes is so personal you feel as though you’re in her kitchen cooking alongside her.



RoseMarie wrote this book to pass along these traditions to her children and grandchildren. It is also a way to thank all the great people and friends she has met throughout her life. I am happy to be one of her friends. Read More...


Sal Scognamillo

Chef and Restaurateur

Patsy’s NYC


LCCN: 2012948168

Print ISBN: 978-1-937143-20-6;   eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-937143-09-1

Hardcover $29.99.

Ebook $11.99


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