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Maryam Bobi

Maryam Bobi is a graduate of Mathematics/Computer Science from the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria. She has attended a number of literary workshops across the country including ANA/Atiku Abubakar Workshop on Children Literature and was invited to the 2013 Farafina Trust Creative Writing Workshop facilitated by Chimamanda Adichie. A member of the Association of Nigerian Authors, she has attended the 1st Northern Writers Summit and numerous conventions. She is a mentor at the Hilltop Arts Center, Minna.


Book by Maryan Bobi


by Maryan Bobi

Bongel knows love in Madibbo’s friendship. However, childhood is lost in an early marriage. A fresh start leads her to a cherished friendship with Kauthar who introduces her brother Abdul to Bongel. A romance blossoms but everything Bongel holds dear is threatened when Kauthar discovers a disturbing secret about her.


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ISBN-13: eBook 978-1-937143-15-2

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