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Marva KeysMarva S. Keys

Marva S. Keys, author, is a professional registered nurse with a Master of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. As an adjunct Professor at various universities around the United States, she has been enmeshed in caregiving, families and students over the years.

As an entrepreneur, Mrs. Keys successfully founded and operated a not-for-profit (501C 3) Adult Day Center for frail and impaired seniors in Northern Westchester County for 22 years. This senior center was a National Project Site for Social Adult Day Services and was sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Book by Marva S. Keys

CaregivingCaregiving: Sacfifice and Sharing From the African American Perspective :

Study the caregiving in my family and other families filters into our personal relationships, jobs, education system, and religious and political practices.

Whether you are a female, male, adult, young, teenager, old or very old, you are impacted by caregiving in some ways. Marva s. Key’s book on Caregiving: Sacrifices Sharing will help you become a better caregiver immediately.

Inside, find description of terms: Caregiving, sacrifice, steward, and sharing; Caregiving 101– You Need to Know; Safety issues; Medications; Stress and stress reducers; Driving an staying safe; Doctor visits; Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease; Adult Day Center and other community programs; Legal Documents: Living Will, Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy Probate, Trusts, and Living Revocable Trust; Review of some Legal documents in this book; Obesity in my family – United States Department of  Agriculture (2009) new food guide pyramid; Nutrition; My African American Genealogy; Big business in caregiving. Read More

Price: $11.95; $7.95 eBook              

ISBN-13: 978-0-9829774-5-3                          

ISBN eBook: 978-1-937143-13-8

Paperback: 100

Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11

Publication Date October 1, 2021

Order Online: Amazon (www.amazon.com);

Other formats: Adobe eBook, Amazon Kindle Book


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