Caregiving: Sacfifice and Sharing From the African American Perspective :
Study the caregiving in my family and other families filters into our personal relationships, jobs, education system, and religious and political practices.
Whether you are a female, male, adult, young, teenager, old or very old, you are impacted by caregiving in some ways. Marva s. Key’s book on Caregiving: Sacrifices Sharing will help you become a better caregiver immediately.
Inside, find description of terms: Caregiving, sacrifice, steward, and sharing; Caregiving 101– You Need to Know; Safety issues; Medications; Stress and stress reducers; Driving an staying safe; Doctor visits; Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease; Adult Day Center and other community programs; Legal Documents: Living Will, Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy Probate, Trusts, and Living Revocable Trust; Review of some Legal documents in this book; Obesity in my family – United States Department of Agriculture (2009) new food guide pyramid; Nutrition; My African American Genealogy; Big business in caregiving. Read More
Price: $11.95; $7.95 eBook
ISBN-13: 978-0-9829774-5-3
ISBN eBook: 978-1-937143-13-8
Paperback: 100
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 11
Publication Date October 1, 2021
Order Online: Amazon (;
Other formats: Adobe eBook, Amazon Kindle Book