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John MorabitoJohn Morabito

Born in New York in 1946 John Morabito grew up in the scenic Hudson Valley in the city of Peekskill, New York about twenty five miles north of New York City.

John attended high school in Peekskill and worked in the area until he was drafted into the army during the Vietnam War. After his tour of duty John took to the highways of the United States and traveled throughout the country. Living in San Francisco in the mid 1960’s he attended the City College of San Francisco where he intermittingly enrolled in literature and writing courses.

San Francisco and the California coast and mountains served as settings for two of his published fiction novels “The Lower Farm” and “The Upper Lake”.

John Morabito returned to New York where he married raised three children and worked for a public utility for twenty nine years. In 2007 he began his long awaited dream of writing.

Visit www.johnjmorabito.com for details on John's books



Books by John Morabito


On the last day of the 7th grade, Urijah overhears a couple of older boys talking about a way to make money during summer break and when he inquires, he is invited to travel to the golf course with them. His summer turns into a life changing experience. Read about the adventures of this young boy, and how he embraces the world of golf.


Trim: 5 x 8

Paperback: 114

ISBN Print: 978-1-937143-18-3

ISBN eBook: 978-1-937143-19-0

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Other formats: ePUB, PDF eBook, Amazon Kindle Book, PubIt

WhiteDeerWhite Deer/Black Bear

Big Paul's passion for hunting spans more than sixty years. He has taken down some of the largest bucks in the forest, however at 83 years old he meets his match.

Price: $13.95

ISBN Print: 978-1-937143-16-9

ISBN ebook: 978-1-937143-17-6


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The Justice Club

In a chemo therapy clinic three retired NYPD's finest detectives befriend each other and realize they have a common dislike for the way the justice system worked against them in their careers, thus THE JUSTICE CLUB is formed.

Price: $13.95

ISBN Print: 978-1-937143-16-9

ISBN ebook: 978-1-937143-17-6


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DLite Press (www.dlitepress.com); Amazon (www.amazon.com); Barnes & Noble (www.bn.com); Ingram Book (www.ingrambook.com)

Other formats: ePUB, PDF eBook, Amazon Kindle Book, PubIt

Dog Town Days

In the 1950’s there was a neighborhood set away from the mainstream of Peekskill. This settlement of houses is remembered as Dog Town. Many Dog Town residents felt at home at their frequented stop, Risko’s Bar, where they caught up with the local news and gossip. Dog Town offered the beauty of the Hudson River Valley, the season for Blue Claw crabbing, the winter months of skating at Houstis Pond and the summer Friday nights of exciting stock car racing at Peekskill Stadium.

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Print ISBN: 978-1-937143-07-7

120 pages

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