Jo has always been sensitive to what she refers to as the rip tides in society. In a seemingly calm ocean, a rip tide can easily suck you in. In the ocean as in the real world, your survival will depend on your knowledge, your ability, your will to live, plus luck and a prayer.
Her novels all address rip tides– issues such as bigotry, bullying, greed or intolerance–issues that can polarize and tear us apart if we allow them.
Death of the Immortals is her first futuristic romance.
Zooric. He was called alien by the Tifoosas, but to him they were the aliens–the invaders. Yet he has pledged to support them in their war with the Presidential Council. To win the war he has to face his past; he needs the help of his people. To win the war the Tifoosas need him, but they also fear him and his extraordinary powers. Now into this already murky mix comes an explosive attraction between Zooric and Carrie, the daughter of a Tifoosas.
Kanlu Krimson, the second prince of the Immerallian Empire, speaks with his personal acquaintance and Ryuubi's right hand man, Captain Kou Mine to uncover the truth of who killed Commissioner Ryuubi, a brilliant detective on the island of Ilkupir….
What's your personality trait? Are you a Hemmer, a Blamer, a Pusher, a Pathfinder or a Detailer? Does it really matter? How does your personality trait influence your career choice? What can you do to change? Do you need to change?
This no-nonsense text explains positive and negative traits that can help or hinder teens in their post high school life. The guide gives readers strategies, helping them to identify the path to success and to avoid the route that often leads to failure.