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G.K. Peart

G.K. Peart, is currently a student at Drexel University studying accounting. The son of Jamaican immigrants, he grew up in a family of five with two older sisters. While young, he developed a fascination of Japanese culture and customs. “Commissioner Ryuubi” is his first short story, published after being acknowledged by his English professor. His permanent address is Shrub Oak, New York though for school he resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Book by G. K. Peart

Dale's Obelisk

Dale's Obelisk

A Kanlu Krimson Detective Story

By G.K. Peart

Two months have passed since the death of Commissioner Ryuubi and peace has returned to Dale–or so we thought. Prince Kanlu's philanthropic visit to the slums leads to the suspicious death of Lady Kouhime, the community leader. His fiance, Ruri, may know more of the story behind the incident than she lets on and his own subordinates are proving treacherous. The prince must deal with old foes and confront new suspects as he searches for allies to find the secret that lurks in the shadow of Dale's Obelisk.


Published June 15, 2021

Price: eBook $0.99


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commissioner ryuubiCommissioner Ryuubi: A Kanlu Krimson Detective Story

Kanlu Krimson, the second prince of the Immerallian Empire, governs the island of Ilkupir as a benevolent ruler. The metropolis of Dale is the bastion that he calls home and protects with the aid of various nobles, warriors, and intellects…but now one of them is dead. Commissioner Ryuubi was a brilliant detective as he led the police forces of the city to eliminate crime and bring about a great time of safety and happiness. The prince must now speak with his personal acquaintance and Ryuubi’s right hand man, Captain Kou Mine to uncover the truth of what happened that fateful night.

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Published date October 3, 2021

Price: ebook $0.99

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Commissioner Ryuubi

Commissioner Ryuubi

by GK Peart


Kanlu Krimson, the second prince of the Immerallian Empire, speaks with his personal acquaintance and Ryuubi's right hand man, Captain Kou Mine to uncover the truth of who killed Commissioner Ryuubi, a brilliant detective on the island of Ilkupir….


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Life After High SchoolLife After High School: Traits that Help & Traits that Hurt

What's your personality trait? Are you a Hemmer, a Blamer, a Pusher, a Pathfinder or a Detailer? Does it really matter? How does your personality trait influence your career choice? What can you do to change? Do you need to change?


This no-nonsense text explains positive and negative traits that can help or hinder teens in their post high school life. The guide gives readers strategies, helping them to identify the path to success and to avoid the route that often leads to failure.

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ISBN-13: 978-1-937143-14-5

ISBN-13: eBook 978-1-937143-15-2

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