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Doris Nieves

Doris is a mother of two and lives in Westchester County, NY. She was inspired to write this book by her sister Rosemary, a dedicated fan of Jane Austen.


Book by Doris Nieves

Misconceptions: Pride and Prejudice: A Conclusion

Misconceptions begins where Jane Austen left off, with the undaunted Mrs. Bennet continuing her search to find rich and refined husbands for her unmarried daughters, Kitty and Mary. Meanwhile, as the Darcy's and Bingley's love grow stronger, Lady Catherine renews her duty to find a husband for Miss Anne de Bourgh.

Will the girls cooperate with their mother’s plans or will their hearts lead them elsewhere?

Tinged with the right blend of characters and romance to produce an enticing story line, Misconceptions: Pride and Prejudice: A Conclusion will surely give you a unique reading experience!


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ISBN-13: eBook 978-1-937143-15-2

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