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Danny RussoDanny Russo


Danny Russo came up through the public school system in Brooklyn, where he was born and raised. In 1957 he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. Upon his discharge, his new home became Peekskill, N.Y. After working a series of jobs, such as laborer, limo driver, and garment district worker, Danny found his calling in the restaurant industry. He was employed in establishments from Manhattan to Westchester County. In 1972 Danny married and has raised two children. He loves a good round of golf.

Book by Danny Russo

Behind BarsBehind Bars

The 40s and 50s were extraordinary years for immigrants arriving from Italy. Our narrator describes the land of opportunity in spirited and often courageous terms, never retreating from facts, yet always keeping a twinkling eye out for what makes us fundamentally and absurdly human.



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Commissioner Ryuubi

Commissioner Ryuubi

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Life After High SchoolLife After High School: Traits that Help & Traits that Hurt

What's your personality trait? Are you a Hemmer, a Blamer, a Pusher, a Pathfinder or a Detailer? Does it really matter? How does your personality trait influence your career choice? What can you do to change? Do you need to change?


This no-nonsense text explains positive and negative traits that can help or hinder teens in their post high school life. The guide gives readers strategies, helping them to identify the path to success and to avoid the route that often leads to failure.

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ISBN-13: 978-1-937143-14-5

ISBN-13: eBook 978-1-937143-15-2

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